Hi, Tracy.
I thought it might be informative to share what cancer screening and treatment has cost over the years. I don't have all the figures, but I've got a pile of documents dating back to 2005, when I had my first biopsy based on an elevated PSA. By searching through all the documents I've accumulated, I have a rough idea of what my treatment has cost. Because of the complexity of the records, I don't vouch for the accuracy or completeness of the figures here, but this will serve as a tight synopsis showing many of the costs involved:
- Insurance: I pay Aflac about $13 a calendar quarter for supplemental insurance to help cover out-of-pocket costs for cancer treatment. This mirrors a policy that yielded a payment following your mother's death in 2002 following her stem cell transplant for lymphoma.
- 2005: first discovered elevated PSA, followed by biopsy with negative results. two more biopsies follow over the years, along with regular blood tests; cost figures not immediately available.
- 2010 Biopsy; 50 samples taken, paperwork unavailable.
- 2012 Periodic six-month blood test for PSA: $88
- Feb 2016: Lab work: $66; Bladder function test; doctor visit: $480; PSA has shot up to 16; 21% chance of high grade prostate cancer. 62% chance biopsy is negative for cancer.
- June 2016: Doctor visit, Lab work, Pharmacy services, MRI procedure, MRI of pelvis, $2,364
- June 2016: Surgery (biopsy -- 20 samples) anesthesia, lab work, etc: $8,109. cancer detected
- July 2016: Irrigate bladder (prior to catheter removal): $313
- Bone scan, radiation, doctor visit: $1,649
- October 2016: Lupron hormone blocker: $5,633
- November 2016: Implant gold (target) beads in prostate and scan to check placement: $1,675
- Dec 2016: Pelvis MRI $2,972
- January 2017: Calculating radiation dose, MRI, radiation treatments: $11,285
- Feb 2017: Bicalutimide hormone blocker, for month: $18.55
- Feb 2017: Second Lupron shot: $5,671
- Feb 2017: Beginning of 39 radiation treatments at $1,159 per treatment: $45,201
- Feb 2017: Radiation-related services: CT Guided: $388 x ?; physician's services: $626 x ?; QA: $267 x ?; x-ray guided target: $253 x ?; There are a lot of these charges and I didn't tally them all.
You get the idea, Kiddo. I think that, so far, I've pushed well past $100,000, considering the items not tallied and for some not even listed. Old age ain't for sissies, and cancer ain't for the uninsured.